Monday, March 28, 2011

Marketing Analytics

An interesting article about what the CMO wants

According to Forrester, a whopping 75 percent of chief marketing officers plan to rearrange their teams by the end of 2011.

Read the article.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

jAPS 2.0 Case Study: Interview with Maria Silvia Libè

Flavia Marzano interviewed Maria Silvia Libè, Web Strategy and Communication Manager in the Business Unit ICT System Integration of Elsag Datamat, and System Integrator partner of the jAPS 2.0 project.

Read the interview on Wired

Sunday, March 6, 2011

jAPS 2.0 entando: the new platform to manage information in web 2.0 Era

The new platform jAPS 2.0 entando has just been released by Tzente.
jAPS 2.0 entando is the next generation information management platform. It's the open source alternative to classic proprietary and open source portal and content management systems.
The new release has several new features and innovations that can be tested through the new online demo.

Discover more on jAPSPortal and download on Sourceforge.