Monday, June 21, 2010

About the European Union Public Licence (EUPL)

The EUPL is the first European Free/Open Source Software (F/OSS) licence. It has been created on the initiative of the European Commission and it is now approved by the European Commission in 22 linguistic versions and can be used by anyone for software distribution.

The purpose of the EUPL is to encourage a new wave of public administrations to embrace the Free/Open Source model to valorise their software and knowledge, starting with the European Institutions themselves.

Why the EUPL:
- The Licence should have equal legal value in many languages;
- The terminology regarding intellectual property rights had to be conformant with European law requirements ;
- To be valid in all Member States, limitations of liability or warranty had to be precise, and not formulated “to the extend allowed by the law” as in most licences designed with the legal environment of the United States in mind.

The actual version of EUPL is 1.1

You can find more information here:

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