Sunday, December 19, 2010

10 Predictions for Web Content Management in 2011

An interesting article about prediction for Web Content Management in 2011.
2010 has been the year web content management 1.0 officially and finally died. And with its death came a lot of changes for the industry. But what will 2011 bring? Even more changes, many that will bring us all back to the basics.

Top 10 Predictions for Web CMS in 2011
1. Mobile Will Accelerate Web Content Management Adoption
2. Deployment will be King
3. Structured Content will be Queen
4. Mobile Pushes Adoption of HTML5
5. Content Moves to the Cloud
6. Back to Basics
7. Got Apps? Welcome to the CMS App Store
8. Meet the Social CMS
9. Mobile Changes Web Expectations (Death of Brochure-ware)
10. MVC Disrupts .NET CMS Marketplace

For more information:

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

jAPS 2.0 on, the Open Source Observatory and Repository for the public administration

The the Open Source Observatory and Repository for European public administrations (OSOR) is a platform for exchanging information, experiences and FLOSS-based code for use in public administrations.

jAPS 2.0 project is published, among others, on Repository, visit jAPSPortal for more information.

Saturday, December 4, 2010


OpenSocial is a set of common application programming interfaces (APIs) for web-based social network applications.
OpenSocial helps sites share their social data with the web. Applications that use the OpenSocial APIs can be embedded within a social network itself, or access a site's social data from anywhere on the web.
OpenSocial has mostly focused on consumery stuff but could meet also the Enterprise needs using OpenSocial to help enterprise solutions exchange data and components, and opening the door to new types of interoperability between enterprise and consumer systems.

For more information:

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Cagliari come la Silicon Valley? Direi proprio di si

Questo interessante articolo è stato pubblicato da Catia Barone nell'inserto "Affari e Finanza", del quotidiano "La Repubblica" del 22 Novembre 2010.
Tra le aziende della "Cagliari Valley" si parla anche di Tzente e del progetto open source jAPS.

"In tutta la fascia ad ovest della città una fitta serie di imprese hitech, da Internet alle biotecnologie. Tutto cominciò con tre personaggi: il premio Nobel Carlo Rubbia che vi fondò il centro di ricerca Crs4, l’editore multimediale Nicola Grauso primo guru di Internet in Italia, e il fondatore di Tiscali, Renato Soru"

Leggi l'articolo

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Matching 2010

Il Matching è un appuntamento fondamentale per sviluppare relazioni di business.

“Conoscere per crescere – To Know, To Grow”: è questo il titolo della prossima edizione di Matching, la sesta, che si svolgerà dal 22 al 24 novembre 2010 nell’ormai tradizionale cornice di fieramilano a Rho (MI).
Il titolo intende individuare un dato fondamentale della cultura imprenditoriale: la conoscenza, che abbraccia tutto ciò che riguarda la vita e lo sviluppo dell’impresa. Perchè Matching in tutte le sue edizioni ha voluto favorire questo fattore, inteso come conoscenza del mercato, delle opportunità che offre, di altre imprese come possibili clienti, fornitori o partner.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Manifesto per l’Open Government

E' online il Manifesto per l'Open Government dove si parla di favorire la trasparenza, l'ascolto, il coinvolgimento e il dialogo con il cittadino. I nuovi paradigmi 2.0 stanno quindi accelerando la trasformazione del rapporto tra cittadino e Pubblica Amministrazione.
Il Manifesto si fonda su logiche e modelli di partecipazione, condivisione e collaborazione facilitando il percorso di abbattimento delle barriere digitali attraverso adeguati strumenti tecnologici e l'utilizzo di standard aperti.
Non bisogna infatti dimenticare i requisiti di accessibilità definiti nell'Allegato A – D.M. 8 Luglio 2005 (relativo alla Legge Stanca). In base a tale norma, l’accessibilità è definita come “la capacità dei sistemi informatici, nelle forme e nei limiti consentiti dalle conoscenze tecnologiche, di erogare servizi e fornire informazioni fruibili, senza discriminazioni, anche da parte di coloro che a causa di disabilità necessitano di tecnologie assistive o configurazioni particolari”
Il Manifesto è emendabile fino al 15 Novembre, è possibile postare commenti e suggerimenti sui diversi punti. La versione finale del Manifesto verrà presentata il 30 Novembre.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Who Really Pays for Open Source Software?

An interesting article from CMSWire that talk about how software can that isn’t for sale actually make money.

"There has been significant growth in the open source software market over the last decade and as popularity continues to grow, the market doesn't appear to be slowing down any time soon. The Open Source community frequently attracts very intelligent, motivated and experienced developers driven by pride, personal curiosity and peer recognition to develop valuable solutions. No matter how much personal satisfaction developers receive from seeing the result of their efforts however, software developers still have to pay the bills and have some money left over to eat."

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

LibreOffice: senza Oracle

The Internet, 28 sett 2010 - La comunità dei volontari che sviluppano e promuovono, il più importante software libero per la produttività individuale, annuncia una significativa evoluzione del progetto.
Dopo dieci anni di evoluzione con Sun Microsystems come fondatore e principale sponsor, il progetto annuncia una fondazione indipendente chiamata "The Document Foundation" con l'obiettivo di dare vita alla promessa di indipendenza del programma originale.

La Fondazione coordinerà lo sviluppo di LibreOffice, che è disponibile in versione beta all'indirizzo provvisorio: Gli sviluppatori sono invitati ad aderire al progetto e contribuire al codice in un ambiente aperto e collaborativo, per dare vita al futuro delle suite di produttività insieme a chi traduce, verifica, documenta, supporta e promuove il software.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

jAPS Video

Discover the features of jAPS 2.0 back office through the official videos of jAPS project:
* How to create a jAPS Content
* How to publish a jAPS Content
* How to create a new jAPS Content Type
* How to create a form with jAPS

For more details visit

Friday, August 6, 2010

jAPS 2.0 Public Training Class - Getting Started with jAPS 2.0 Platform

Tzente welcomes you to take advantage of our "Getting Started with jAPS 2.0 Platform" public course, available for both new and existing users.

The course is provided by Tzente and will be held in Cagliari by certified trainers on 26 and 27 July and on 17 and 18 September. The course is designed for users who want to acquire basic knowledge on jAPS 2.0 Platform.

The course highlights the tools that the platform provides to developers to create customized portal solutions, intranet and web application.

For more information and to register for these class or any of our other courses, please contact us at

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Summer school per lo sviluppo di applicazioni software enterprise

Ecco un evento interessante...
Sardegna Ricerche, nell’ambito delle attività di animazione economica del District Lab intende promuovere la “Summer school per lo sviluppo di applicazioni software enterprise” con l’obiettivo di:
Formare figure professionali in grado di progettare e sviluppare complesse applicazioni aziendali in ambiente Java utilizzando una metodologia di insegnamento "learning by doing" che permetta di bilanciare gli aspetti teorici con quelli pratici.
* Sviluppare un caso di studio reale in modo collaborativo
* Creare un ponte tra il mondo della ricerca (Università. Laboratori ICT) e mondo del lavoro
* Fornire alle aziende del parco dei percorsi di formazione di alto livello.

Per chi fosse interessato ecco dove trovare ulteriori informazioni:

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

jAPS 2.0 all'Università di Tunisi

Mouna Sghaier, del Dipartimento di Scienze Informatiche dell’Università El Manar di Tunisi, con la collaborazione della società francese Jasmin Conseil diretta da Mr. Karim Djaafar, partner del progetto jAPS, ha realizzato la sua tesi di fine corso sul progetto Open Source jAPS. La tesi, dal titolo “Ideazione e realizzazione di un plugin jpTagCloud per la piattaforma collaborativa jAPS”, ha avuto come relatore il Prof. Samir Elloumi (FST).

Per i dettagli visita jAPSPortal

Monday, July 12, 2010

Open Innovation, Open Enterprise, Open Society

The Open World Forum is the world's leading summit meeting bringing together decision-makers and communities to cross-fertilize open technological, economic and social initiatives to build the digital future.
The third Open World Forum – being staged in Paris on 30 September and 1 October 2010 – will bring together open technology decision-makers from around the world, under the banner of Open Innovation and Free / Open Source.
Open Innovation, Open Enterprise and Open Society are the main topics of this edition.
For more info about the event visit the official website

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Communities of practice

"Communities of practice are formed by people who engage in a process of collective learning in a shared domain of human endeavor: a tribe learning to survive, a band of artists seeking new forms of expression, a group of engineers working on similar problems, a clique of pupils defining their identity in the school, a network of surgeons exploring novel techniques, a gathering of first-time managers helping each other cope. In a nutshell: Communities of practice are groups of people who share a concern or a passion for something they do and learn how to do it better as they interact regularly." by Etienne Wenger

Monday, June 21, 2010

About the European Union Public Licence (EUPL)

The EUPL is the first European Free/Open Source Software (F/OSS) licence. It has been created on the initiative of the European Commission and it is now approved by the European Commission in 22 linguistic versions and can be used by anyone for software distribution.

The purpose of the EUPL is to encourage a new wave of public administrations to embrace the Free/Open Source model to valorise their software and knowledge, starting with the European Institutions themselves.

Why the EUPL:
- The Licence should have equal legal value in many languages;
- The terminology regarding intellectual property rights had to be conformant with European law requirements ;
- To be valid in all Member States, limitations of liability or warranty had to be precise, and not formulated “to the extend allowed by the law” as in most licences designed with the legal environment of the United States in mind.

The actual version of EUPL is 1.1

You can find more information here:

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Primo workshop su jAPS 2.0: ecco come è andata

Venerdì si è tenuto il primo workshop sulla piattaforma jAPS 2.0 organizzato da Tzente.

L'evento ha riscosso un grande successo e soprattutto...quanti partecipanti!!!

Durante l'evento si sono alternati diversi relatori, moderati da Flavia Marzano, chair dell'evento, che hanno descritto le loro esperienze all'interno dell'ecosistema jAPS mostrando alcune delle molteplici forme che può assumere la piattaforma.

Nella prima sessione i technology partner, Ingres, MySQL e Pentaho hanno parlato delle loto soluzioni e di come queste si integrano con la piattaforma jAPS 2.0.

La seconda sessione è stata introdotta da un intervento degli avvocati Gallus e Micozzi che hanno parlato delle licenze Open Source collegate a jAPS e di possibili evoluzioni.

Sono poi seguite presentazioni su tematiche differenti: soluzioni verticali per la dematerializzazione, intranet collaborative per le imprese e per la sanità, integrazione WhereIsNow e jAPS, accessibilità dei siti web, certificazione dei contenuti e jAPS come un modello di collaborazione.

Alcune presentazioni hanno evidenziato come jAPS possa essere utilizzato anche in settori quali Internet of Things e realtà aumentata.

Non potevano mancare le Pubbliche Amministrazioni, che hanno riportato la loro esperienza come utenti finali della piattaforma.

L'evento è stata un'ottima occasione per lo scambio di idee ed esperienze.
Partecipazione, collaborazione e passione sono stati gli ingredienti di successo.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Siti e CMS accessibili: un obbligo e un impegno sociale

Articolo interessante sul tema dell'accessibilità dei siti web e sugli standard e leggi nazionali e internazionali.
L'articolo, come altri pubblicati nell'ultimo periodo, evidenzia la rilevanza e l'importanza data all'accessibilità sia in campo sociale che tecnologico.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

jAPS Workshop Program

In the latest weeks we are working to define all the details for the jAPS workshop that will be held in Cagliari, the 11th of June, from 14:30 to 18:30.

The final program is publihed: many speeches related to different domains are planned. Many jAPS Partners and Governments using jAPS 2.0 Platform will attend.

This will be an excellent opportunity to exchange knowledge and to present the different experiences, so we invite all to participate.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Cosa si intende per Riuso

Oggi si parla sempre più spesso di riuso.
Inizialmente la parola riuso, soprattutto in ambito Pubblica Amministrazione, è stata affiancata al concetto di Software Libero. Per riuso di un software si intende l'utilizzo di codice sviluppato per un'applicazione in un'altra applicazione, favorito da un'opportuna progettazione del software.
Il CNIPA ha addirittura creato un Centro di Competenza per il riuso come punto di riferimento per le amministrazioni.

Ma per riuso ormai non si intende solo il riuso del software...

Il riuso adesso è sempre più collegato ai concetti di Open Data e Open Content.
E' stata creata addirittura un decreto che favorisca il processo di riutilizzo e valorizzazione dell’informazione pubblica.
L’obiettivo è quello di creare un nuovo rapporto tra pubblico e privato, basato sulla messa a disposizione del patrimonio informativo pubblico, affinché si sviluppino, in competizione, iniziative capaci di individuare nuove esigenze e nuovi servizi, creare valore aggiunto, veicolare innovazione.

Speriamo comunque che il riuso venga concepito e quindi messo in pratica nella sua corretta concezione...

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Digital Divide? No, Thanks

"Web Accessibility" means that people with visual, auditory, motor and the cognitive disabilities can have equal access to information, data and functionalities.
jAPS 2.0 intends web as a platform: it facilitates interactive information sharing, interoperability and collaboration and provides basic characteristics and features to achieve digital inclusion.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Elevator Pitch a ForumPA 2010

Al ForumPA 2010 un nuovo modo per mettere in moto l'innovazione.

"L'elevator pitch è una forma di comunicazione con cui ci si presenta, per motivi professionali, ad un'altra persona o organizzazione. Elevator significa ascensore. L'Elevator pitch è infatti il discorso che un imprenditore farebbe ad un investitore se si trovasse per caso con lui in ascensore. L'imprenditore, quindi, si troverebbe costretto a descrivere sé e la propria attività sinteticamente, chiaramente ed efficacemente per convincere l'investitore ad investire su di lui, ma nei limiti di tempo imposti dalla corsa dell'ascensore (la letteratura specialistica al riguardo fissa tale limite a 5 minuti).

Spesso la piccolissima impresa innovativa non riesce a trovare lo spazio, il tempo, o il canale giusto per presentarsi alla Pubblica amministarzione, nonostante il suo contributo potrebbe offrire una risposta pronta e flessibile ai problemi quotidiani della PA.

Ecco l'idea. Un nuovo formato di incontro a FORUM PA 2010: Un nuovo formato di incontro a FORUM PA 2010: 20 aziende presentano i propri prodotti, servizi, competenze, soluzioni e i propri punti di forza ai decisori di pubbliche amministrazioni centrali e locali."

Monday, May 3, 2010

Digital Natives ...

The incredible technology development of the last 15-20 years has led to a new generation, born and grown under these particular conditions. Today’s adolescents grew up with a mouse in their hands, swallowed by the digital era of computers, mobiles, videogames, digital music, digital video cameras and so on. This new generation is known as Digital Natives. Digital language is their “native language” in everyday life. According to recent studies, their cerebral structure seems to be different than the so called Digital Immigrants. A Digital Immigrant is a person who has adopted digital technology but hasn’t grown up with it. This distinction is important to understand that digital immigrants have had to get used to this new environment although they maintain their immigrant “accent”.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Linee guida per i siti web delle PA

Pubblicate on line le "Linee guida per i siti web della PA" in una versione preliminare.
E' possibile partecipare, attraverso un forum di discussione dedicato, ad una consultazione pubblica telematica della durata di due mesi per coinvolgere i vari stakeholder al fine di proporre suggerimenti e indicazioni, che saranno utili per una revisione del documento.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Is There a Future For the Portal?

Here's an interesting post from The Server Side about the future of the Portal.

Monday, April 19, 2010

E-government 2.0

Government 2.0 means to employ new governance models, invest in Web capabilities, and embrace user participation, integrate the front and back offices, but also:
- Modernize
- Promote
- Build trust
In the era of Web 2.0 where users’ heightened expectations is based on the integration of the Internet into their daily life and work, it is imperative that the public sector refine its approach to e-government to ensure that these initiatives achieve maximum impact.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Workshop organized by Tzente during the IV Italian Conference on Free Software

During the IV Italian Conference on Free Software, that will be held on the 11th and 12th of June, in Cagliari, the Tzente S.r.l., organizes a workshop in which will present jAPS partnerhip ecosystem and its business model. Speakers include jAPS technology partners such as Pentaho, MySQL, Ingres.

At the event are invited to participate public administrations, regional and local governments, and large companies working on / with / for the technologies listed above.

The event will be an excellent opportunity to exchange knowledge and to present the different experiences, we invite all to participate.

The co-located program event will be published on the website of the Conference.

Friday, April 2, 2010

More than 1200 downloads of jAPS packages in March

The jAPS project reaches more than 1200 downloads of the several packages released on Sourgeforge during March.

The project jAPS is growing and this milestone is a great success for the jAPS community.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Innovation Forum

On April 19, 2010 will take place in Cagliari – Sardinia - the Innovation Forum.
The Innovation Forum provides a meeting where there will be politicians, businesses, universities, industrial parks and other. The topics will be Government innovation and modernization.

In the afternoon there will be workshops on the following topics:

The partners of the event will be present in the expo.

For more information:

Saturday, March 27, 2010

How to manage a project - PHASES OF THE PROJECT

After making the first critical choices for the success of your Open Source project you have to define a plan of activities, goal and results that you want to achieve.
The main steps to manage an open source project are the definition of:
- Project Roadmap
- Source code packages to release
- Project documentation with related license
- Community management and support tools

Friday, March 19, 2010

...... usability guidelines

I read the book by Steve Krug on usability, "Don't make me think." Really interesting. The book not only provide the rules of common sense, through images and examples also provides the "laws" of usability. There are actually images of sites online and every single one of them explains the errors and/or changes to make these pages more usable.

In the final chapter dealt with the issue of "usability testing". According to the author the only way to understand the flaws of the websites is precisely to test the "readability" on multiple users. Krug explains how they are run and how much time and money needed.

I recommend this book for anyone involved in the design of websites, but not only!

Monday, March 15, 2010

jAPS 2.0 version 2.0.10 Released

jAPS 2.0 version 2.0.10 has been released on Sourceforge, where are available the following packages:

* jAPS2.0-2.0.10-src

* jAPS2-0-2.0.10-PortalExample-Project

* jAPS2-0-2.0.10-PortalExample-Standalone

* jAPS Official Plugin: as usual, all those plugins that were modified to work with the new release of jAPS are released as well; the remaning are intended to be fully compatible

Among the important innovations of jAPS 2.0.10 version there is the new "entity interface" which allows the configuration of the entity types, the CMS content types and the modification of the entity attributes.

Friday, March 12, 2010

How to manage an Open Source project - First choices

When decide to create an Open Source project at the benning it is necessary to make critical choices for the success of the project:

- Analysis of competitors: analyze the existing open source projects in the same domain to assess whether it is opportune to develop another similar system. If you decide that there are no systems that satisfy your need and you want to develop one you can procede with the following steps.
- Definition of Mission and Vision: it's important to define a clear vision and a set of goals to want to reach with the project. You have to communicate and share them with the community to establish a project identity and to give a direction to follow.
- Identification of the target users in order to prepare the appropriate tools for sharing information with the community
- Analysis and choice of the project name: this activity is one of the most important to the success of the project. You need to find an impact project name and easy to remember and
- Analysis and choice of Open Source license based on the characteristics of the project

After these first steps you can continue with other activities...

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Make Open Source and do not just download: how to manage a project (Introduction)

Managing an Open Source project is not just release the source code, as many people think, but involves several activities that are necessary to make the project more active and get the continued community involvement.

I'll try to describe through some post, the main steps to manage an open source project and its community according a business plan, goals and results that you want to reach.

Tomorrow I'll describe the fist step!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Returning from the CeBIT

Also this year the CeBIT expo has came to the end.
We had many interesting meetings and got lots of contacts of many companies interested in jAPS and become Partners.
Many of the companies that have contacted us said that jAPS may be a good alternative to Liferay.
Now begins the task of managing contacts.

Good luck!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Software Libero - 11-12 Giugno a Cagliari

L'11 e 12 giugno 2010 si terrà a Cagliari la quarta Conferenza Italiana sul Software Libero. L'appuntamento è l'occasione giusta per chi crede nello sviluppo del Software Libero, come per chi ci si avvicina per la prima volta, per dare uno sguardo all'interno di questo mondo in continua evoluzione.

La conferenza, data la varietà dei soggetti partecipanti (ricercatori, sviluppatori, enti pubblici, aziende, etc) e degli argomenti che verranno trattati si preannuncia come evento da non perdere!

Inoltre, per chi vuole scatenare la propria fantasia, la Conferenza Italiana sul Software Libero ha bisogno di un nuovo logo. Scadenza presentazione elaborati 7 Marzo.

Per maggiori info:

Anche noi continueremo a tenervi informati!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

News from CeBIT 2010

The first important news: we have arrived yesterday nigth in Hannover :-)

This morning we have arrived at the fair, and I must say that our stand is in a favorable position.

We have already had several interesting contacts with great interest on jAPS.

We have already done 2 interviews: one with Videolina (a Sardinian TV) and the other with a German radio. I'll inform you when to broadcast services.

Soon we will start also with the B2B meetings.

Here are some pictures of the stand.

See you soon for more news

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

CeBIT 2010

The phenomenon of open source

jAPS 2.0 at CeBIT 2010 to introduce the latest innovations

Visit HALL 9, Stand B09.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Integration of Enterprise Portal and Business Intelligence

Preparing a non technical document about the integration of Enterprise Portal and Business Intelligence. The integration allows to have a more complete proposal in different applicative domains.
The document describes goals and benefits of such integration...very interesting!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The Art of the Start

I am started to read the book "The Art of The Start" of Guy Kawasaki.
I think that the following chapters will be very usefull to improve my job:
- chapter 3 "The Art of Pitching"
- chapter 8 "The Art of Partnering"
- chapter 9 "The Art of Branding"
- chapter 10 "The Art of Rainmaking"

Monday, February 22, 2010

Organize Partner Training

Today I have spent my time organizing the training section for a jAPS System Integrator for the next week.
We have defined the required skill, the target audience, the program details and duration.
For the occasion we will prepare also the jAPS T-shirt for the applicants and some gadget that will use also for the CeBIT.

Friday, February 19, 2010

...... usability guidelines

Aesthetic and minimalist design: Dialogues should not contain information which is irrelevant or rarely needed. Every extra unit of information in a dialogue competes with the relevant units of information and diminishes their relative visibility
by Jakob Nielsen

True or false?

The strange world of enterprise portal

The problem sometimes is to understand the characteristic of an Enterprise Portal should have.
Some days ago, a friend ask me if there are available documents, articles or website with analisys about Enterprise Portal to choose the best one.
There are different website to compare CMS but I don't know if there is any one for enterprise Platform.

If you know about it...let me know!


.... you begin?

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Hamlet's indecision: how many website?

Today brainstorming meeting to define the new web portals organization .
I'm beginning to wonder: how many website do we need?
Perhaps it's too late to make a decision...night brings counsel

Tomorrow we will make a decision...
Any suggestions welcome!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Preparing jAPS Brochure and Poster for the Cebit

Also this year jAPS will attend at the CeBIT in Hannover, to be held from 2 to 6 March, with the new Official Mantainer, Tzente S.r.l.

During the CeBIT will promote also the Partners Network with some specific events.

We are preparing all jAPS marketing materials: brochure, poster and gadgets.

It is an hard job also because the marketing for open source project is not yet define.

Visit us at the CeBIT so you could see the result of our job.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

The jAPS Community

As of my role of jAPS Community Director my goal is to work, interact and build a community around jAPS 2.0 Project.

I suggest to read the book "The Art of the Community", it is a very interesting.

This book could give me some suggestions to increase collaboration and authenticity and create buzz around of jAPS community to get more people involved.